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Cristiano Ronaldo's Champions League Records

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Cristiano Ronaldo has a host of Champions League records to his name. Not only is he the all-time top goalscorer, he has also made more appearances than any other player in the history of the competition. He also has more assists that any other player. Read on to learn more about Cristiano's UEFA Champions League records. You can also learn about the other records that he has set.

Cristiano Cristiano Ronaldo is the winner of five UEFA Champions League trophies

The Portuguese forward has already won five Champions League titles and has become UEFA's all-time top scorer. He has won the competition more than any other player. Ronaldo has won this competition five times with Real Madrid, one with Manchester United and four with Real Madrid. The impressive trophy haul of the Portuguese forward is testament to his consistency and skill. Ronaldo, despite being 36 years old, has maintained a svelte physique and top-class scoring abilities.

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He is the tournament's leading goalscorer.

Ronaldo is the Champions League's most prolific goal scorer. Messi (and Lewandowski) are close behind. Benzema and Lewandowski both made great strides in the 2019/20 season to catch up with Ronaldo's 86 goals. Ronaldo, Messi, and Lewandowski are both still active. They're each on the verge at breaking the century goals mark.

More than half of his UEFA Champions League appearances he has seen

Cristiano Rojo has scored 135 goals over 177 UEFA Champions League game, tying him to Lionel Messi. Real Madrid have won five titles with Ronaldo, and he has made more appearances than any player. Cristiano has also been the player with the most hat tricks in the competition, scoring eight of his 87 Champions League goals in the tournament.

He has assisted on the most goals of any player

Lionel Messi is the undisputed best player on earth, but Cristiano Ronaldo has more assists than him on the continental stage with 42. The five-time Ballon d'Or winner assisted on more goals that any other player in this competition. As a former centre-back, Ronaldo is now one of the best in the world.

Real Madrid's most highly-priced player

Cristiano Rojo has never shown any signs of slowing, despite his exorbitant price tag. He is a three-time champion of Champions League and one of the top players in the world. He signed for Real Madrid in 2009 for EUR94million, or about PS80 million. In 2016, he won his fourth Ballon d'Or.

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He has asked for Real Madrid to let him go this summer

Cristiano Ronaldo finally announced his desire to quit Real Madrid after missing three consecutive training days for Manchester United. Ronaldo is asking for a lower fee, in order to transfer quickly to Juventus, despite the club’s one billion euro release clause. Ronaldo as well as Manchester United have made a significant decision. Ronaldo's possible departure would be a blow to United's plans to win the Champions League.


What are the main types of soccer uniforms you can buy?

There are many kinds of soccer uniforms. Also included in the uniform are soccer boots or shoes. Properly fitting the uniform can help protect you from injuries when playing soccer.

How many people play soccer?

The soccer game is enjoyed by over 200 million people all around the globe. Around 20 million people in the United States play soccer.

What does a soccer midfielder do?

The midfielder controls the play flow by moving the ball side-to-side across the field. He may also pass the ball forward or backward along the pitch. Good midfielders must anticipate where their teammates will be, so they can find them and give them ball.

Which position should I take on a soccer team's soccer team?

A coach must choose you in order for you to participate on a team. There are several positions within a soccer club. These include goalkeeper and defender, goalkeeper, midfielder, forward, as well as goalie. Each player has a specific role.


  • The word "soccer" is a British invention that British people stopped using only about 30 years ago, according to a new paper by University of Michigan professor Stefan Szymanski. (businessinsider.com)
  • They are not just good at dribbling because they are talented alone, but because they put in 100% effort during every practice. (coachtube.com)
  • the estimated cumulative television audience for the 2006 World Cup in Germany was 26.2 billion, an average of 409 million viewers per match. (en.wikipedia.org)
  • At the 2018 FIFA World Cup, Belgium playmaker Eden Hazard, renowned for being difficult to dispossess, set a World Cup record for successful dribbles completed in any World Cup game since 1966, with a 100% success rate in ten dribbles against Brazil.[10] (en.wikipedia.org)
  • From the 1850s onward, industrial workers were increasingly likely to have Saturday afternoons off work, and so many turned to the new game of football to watch or to play. (britannica.com)

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How To

How to play Soccer

Soccer requires good skills, such as passing, shooting and heading. These skills must be improved. The most important thing to do is practice them everyday. If you want to learn how to play soccer properly then follow these steps.

  1. Practice dribbling. Dribble around the field until you get comfortable with it. You should practice dribbling in 5 minute bursts. When you feel confident with dribbling the length of your practice should be increased to 10 minutes. Continue practicing this technique every day.
  2. Practice passing. Practice passing the ball both in front and behind you. Be sure to pass the ball correctly and only to the person who has space. Don't throw too many passes. It's best to pass the ball directly to the person who needs it. This will save you time and keep your body warm.
  3. Practice heading. Heading is the ability to position the ball precisely in the net. First, practice getting into position to reach this goal. Standing directly in front of the target, face the goal. Next, bend forward and place the ball under you chin. Next, raise you head up and point your eyes towards the net's top left corner. Your eyes should be looking straight ahead. Then, get up and release the ball.
  4. Practice handling. Tackling, which is the most difficult technique to master, can be very frustrating. However, when mastered, it makes football much more fun. For starters, tackle with your chest and shoulders, and don't go low. Remember to keep your arms straight and your legs together. Two players are better at tackling each other. One player serves as the defender, while the other acts as an attacker. Once the attacker has passed the defender, the attacker must be tackled immediately.
  5. Learn how to shoot. Shooting is an advanced skill that requires lots of practice. The first step is to locate a location where you can comfortably shoot (e.g. Near the goal. Then, focus on your form. The ball should be held between your hands. Toes point up, bend your knees. Shoot the ball by making a circular movement with your wrist. Make sure to aim for the corner in the bottom left of the goal.
  6. Run. Running takes time to master. Start slowly and build speed. Running should not be used for attacking, it can cause injury to your muscles. Instead, run towards the goal to assist your teammates.
  7. Practice kicking. Kicking is one the most difficult skills, but also the easiest. You need to strengthen your core, legs and core to kick correctly. One leg at a a time, place both your feet together. Slowly kick the ball towards the net using only your heels.
  8. You can dribble again. This skill is crucial to being a great player. Dribbling allows for you to control your game's pace. Dribbling is crucial to controlling the pace and preventing your opponents from catching up or overtaking you. Consistency is key to mastering your dribbling. Don't try to change your dribbling every day. Keep it simple.
  9. You can practice free kicks. Free kicks are usually delivered after a foul or when the goalkeeper commits a mistake. Free kicks let you score goals without even having to play the full match. You can practice aiming for the corners. Remember to always use your instep and not your heel.
  10. Practice defending. It is all about position. Always keep in close proximity to your opponent's player while playing defense. If the ball is handed to you, stop him from scoring. Always ensure the safety of your teammate.


Cristiano Ronaldo's Champions League Records